Girls Inc.’s Mind+Body Program supports and promotes the whole health of girls ages 11 to 18, using a philosophy which recognizes that many factors, including physical and mental wellness, contribute to girls’ health.
Girls today face a broad range of challenges to their physical, mental, social, and emotional health: a culture of high-fat and high sugar foods; too little physical activity; media and cultural messages overemphasizing the importance of physical appearance; and unrealistic expectations and pressures from a variety of sources (including family, teachers, and peers). These challenges and the unhealthy strategies that girls too often adopt to address or cope with them can prevent girls from reaching their full potential. Girls deserve a supportive environment for developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and they deserve to be involved in decisions about their health.
A positive youth development approach can be key to equipping girls with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and support for maintaining a positive sense of self and for being healthy today and throughout their lives.
Mind+Body runs Thursday Evenings in Ajax from 5:30-7:00PM
*subsidies available upon request
Please reach out to Payton Gaull, Mind+Body Facillitator at pgaull@durham.girls-inc.org or call 905-428-8111 ext 223